Monday, May 27, 2013


A: You can try to dance with whoever you want, but deep down you know that no one will dance like us- she said.
B: I know, but that's the intention-he said.
A: You will not find someone to follow you rate as I did- she said, sure of herself.
B: For some time I stoped looking for someone that do the things like you did.- he said  before hanging the phone.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


A: Do you remember when you were saying that we could with everything? Do you remember when this moon was so special to us?
B: Yes, I remember..
A: And what happened?
B: Just we started to look at the moon from different sites and she gave us different ways.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


A: Well, I have what in my house is called onion-salary, you take it, you see it and you start to mourn. What about you? What salary do you have?
B: Mmmm... I have the invisible one, you can´t take it or see it, anyway you lie to mourn.


A: Mr. García, this is the fourth day you are late to class. What do you make of that?
B: Mmmmmm....That today is Thrusday.


A: Do you think there is any difference between ignorance and indiference?
B: I don´t know but I don´t care.

Friday, May 24, 2013


A: He said: "Don´t worry, you will always have our book to remember our history"
B: Then, why are you crying?
A: Because I just started to read it.


Thursday, May 23, 2013


A: Happy Birthdat My little one, It’s for you... 
B: Aish, which will be? OMG,  it’s a telescope!  
A: Do you like it?  
B: Yes, but .. Why do I want a telescope?  
A: To look through it when you miss me. You can observe the sky, the stars and the moon through this telescope.  You think that my house is under the same sky and the same stars, and so, when you more increase the zoom, you can think that there is less distance between your house and my house, between your body and my body, between you and me.


A: Where are you from? 
B: Of the monkey, and you?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

SHORT STORY 3 - Murder & CES Don Bosco

Who is to blame?

10 am. The reception of the CES Don Bosco was crowded around something. I go carefully and see a bloody cadaver and Maria and Ana explaining to people what happened. I panic and decide to call the police. 

When the police arrive, Ana went to speak with them and five minutes later they leave the university. Ana turns around and said me:
-Isabel, are you stupid? Did not remember that today was the exposition of the Cluedo? again I had forgotten- I thought to myself.

Isabel Lanchares,

SHORT STORY 3 - Exam & Potato

A broken dream

I was going one year preparing myself for this exam:studing the teory, the practice exercises and learning english.  Finally, the day was come. After 40 people... it was my turn.
The examinator looked me with strange face and only could say :
-One potatoe can´t enter in the army.


Isabel Lanchares,

Friday, May 10, 2013

SHORT STORY 2 - Murder & CES Don Bosco

The damn Nun

CES Don Bosco, 24:00 h.

A strong wind. The blinds move. They are all sitting in the sofa with the popcorns. Something will happen, but ... What? Suddenly the sound of that music that we all know that means there will be a murder. They cover their eyes. Murderer appears. Suddenly, a Nun slice their neck one by one.

María Hernández Solís,

SHORT STORY 2 - Exam & Potato

 Hot potatoe

It was summer; I played with my friends, waited nervously to arrive and when it came, wanted to pass as quickly as possible. That mix of emotions, impatience, nervousness, despair. Hot Potato was very exciting. This time I was alone, there was no potato or no friends, I was in a room, surrounded by people and with an exam ahead. He was the hot potato.

María Hernández Solís,


Thursday, May 9, 2013

SHORT STORY 1 - Exam & Potato

The mistake of the similarities

It's a difficult day. Today is the Cambridge exam. I feel nervous. Very nervous. I'm delirious and I'm hungry. I have a great hunger for all kinds of potatoes with gravy and even raw potatoes. I have to concentrate, but I can not. Hunger is superior to me.  

Teacher arrives. A teacher like a potato, the same form, I'm sure. He presents himself, he says the rules, he gives us the exams and I start writing.  
Halfway through the exam I raise my hand to ask a question and he throw me out the exam offended.

Reason? With the nerves, I called him “Mr. Potato”.

Ana Paz Díaz,

SHORT STORY 1 - Murder & Ces Don bosco

 Murdered Father
As every Friday, I went to see my boyfriend at his university, CES Don Bosco. To my surprise, when I arrived, I saw a crimson red path. It was not precisely formed by roses or carnations. It was a path of bloody footprints. I did not care, I thought it was a decoration. I saw Erik far off. He was holding a knife in one hand and in the other the head of his French teacher. Before fleeing with the head of my father, he said me: "Forgive me, he flunk me. "

Ana Paz Díaz,

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


  Falklands ... A bloody story!

   - Dear son, we win sure! - Said an Argentine to his firstborn. Hopeful soul’s warriors that collapse to see their country surrendering one June 14th. Argentine governments falsifying while UK is becoming victorious. So many families broken in grief. Children without parents, mothers without children. Death of 255 British troops and 3 Falklanders during the 74 day's match. A catastrophe of April 2nd, 1982.

Ana Paz Díaz,

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Without farewells

-Thank’s Daddy! Thank´s for the tickets for the mach!- said Tommy.
After much time waiting, finally the day came, the 29th of May of 1985. In spite of the rapidity of the Tommy’s father, they ended imprisoned against the soccer field, because of pressure of thousands of fans.
The excitement of that day ended with the death of 39 fans, including Tommy and his father. None of them could say “goodbye”.

Isabel Lanchares Bardají

Friday, May 3, 2013


A tear in the window

"It´s a new day. Is thinking about his life  path to work. Feeling lucky, lot of people is worse than him, at least he has a family, his children's smiles and a job that satisfies his hunger and pays his bills. See the lock and the closed sign. Everything changes."

María Hernández Solís,